Civil Law Review
Lecture Series
(For Fourth Year
University of San
Agustin School of Law,
General Luna
Street, Iloilo City,
School Year 2017-2018
Ist Semester)
Usufruct in General
Usufruct in General
Article 562. Usufruct gives a right to enjoy
the property of another with the obligation of preserving its form and
substance, unless the title constituting it or the law otherwise provides.
Article 563. Usufruct is constituted by law,
by the will of private persons expressed in acts inter vivos or in a last will
and testament, and by prescription. (468)
Article 564. Usufruct may be constituted on
the whole or a part of the fruits of the thing, in favor of one more persons,
simultaneously or successively, and in every case from or to a certain day,
purely or conditionally. It may also be constituted on a right, provided it is
not strictly personal or intransmissible. (469)
Article 565. The rights and obligations of
the usufructuary shall be those provided in the title constituting the
usufruct; in default of such title, or in case it is deficient, the provisions
contained in the two following Chapters shall be observed. (470)
Rights of the Usufructuary
Rights of the Usufructuary
Article 566. The usufructuary shall be
entitled to all the natural, industrial and civil fruits of the property in
usufruct. With respect to hidden treasure which may be found on the land or
tenement, he shall be considered a stranger. (471)
Article 567. Natural or industrial fruits
growing at the time the usufruct begins, belong to the usufructuary.
Those growing at the time the usufruct terminates, belong to the
In the preceding cases, the usufructuary, at the beginning of
the usufruct, has no obligation to refund to the owner any expenses incurred;
but the owner shall be obliged to reimburse at the termination of the usufruct,
from the proceeds of the growing fruits, the ordinary expenses of cultivation,
for seed, and other similar expenses incurred by the usufructuary.
The provisions of this article shall not prejudice the rights of
third persons, acquired either at the beginning or at the termination of the
usufruct. (472)
Article 568. If the usufructuary has leased
the lands or tenements given in usufruct, and the usufruct should expire before
the termination of the lease, he or his heirs and successors shall receive only
the proportionate share of the rent that must be paid by the lessee. (473)
Article 569. Civil fruits are deemed to
accrue daily, and belong to the usufructuary in proportion to the time the
usufruct may last. (474).
Article 570. Whenever a usufruct is
constituted on the right to receive a rent or periodical pension, whether in
money or in fruits, or in the interest on bonds or securities payable to
bearer, each payment due shall be considered as the proceeds or fruits of such
Whenever it consists in the enjoyment of benefits accruing from
a participation in any industrial or commercial enterprise, the date of the
distribution of which is not fixed, such benefits shall have the same
In either case they shall be distributed as civil fruits, and
shall be applied in the manner prescribed in the preceding article. (475)
Article 571. The usufructuary shall have the
right to enjoy any increase which the thing in usufruct may acquire through
accession, the servitudes established in its favor, and, in general, all the
benefits inherent therein. (479)
Article 572. The usufructuary may personally
enjoy the thing in usufruct, lease it to another, or alienate his right of
usufruct, even by a gratuitous title; but all the contracts he may enter into
as such usufructuary shall terminate upon the expiration of the usufruct,
saving leases of rural lands, which shall be considered as subsisting during
the agricultural year. (480)
Article 573. Whenever the usufruct includes
things which, without being consumed, gradually deteriorate through wear and
tear, the usufructuary shall have the right to make use thereof in accordance
with the purpose for which they are intended, and shall not be obliged to
return them at the termination of the usufruct except in their condition at
that time; but he shall be obliged to indemnify the owner for any deterioration
they may have suffered by reason of his fraud or negligence. (481)
Article 574. Whenever the usufruct includes
things which cannot be used without being consumed, the usufructuary shall have
the right to make use of them under the obligation of paying their appraised
value at the termination of the usufruct, if they were appraised when
delivered. In case they were not appraised, he shall have the right to return
the same quantity and quality, or pay their current price at the time the
usufruct ceases. (482)
Article 575. The usufructuary of
fruit-bearing trees and shrubs may make use of the dead trunks, and even of
those cut off or uprooted by accident, under the obligation to replace them
with new plants. (483a)
Article 576. If in consequence of a calamity
or extraordinary event, the trees or shrubs shall have disappeared in such
considerable number that it would not be possible or it would be too burdensome
to replace them, the usufructuary may leave the dead, fallen or uprooted trunks
at the disposal of the owner, and demand that the latter remove them and clear
the land. (484a)
Article 577. The usufructuary of woodland
may enjoy all the benefits which it may produce according to its nature.
If the woodland is a copse or consists of timber for building,
the usufructuary may do such ordinary cutting or felling as the owner was in
the habit of doing, and in default of this, he may do so in accordance with the
custom of the place, as to the manner, amount and season.
In any case the felling or cutting of trees shall be made in
such manner as not to prejudice the preservation of the land.
In nurseries, the usufructuary may make the necessary thinnings
in order that the remaining trees may properly grow.
With the exception of the provisions of the preceding
paragraphs, the usufructuary cannot cut down trees unless it be to restore or
improve some of the things in usufruct, and in such case shall first inform the
owner of the necessity for the work. (485) ARTICLE 578. The usufructuary of an
action to recover real property or a real right, or any movable property, has
the right to bring the action and to oblige the owner thereof to give him the
authority for this purpose and to furnish him whatever proof he may have. If in
consequence of the enforcement of the action he acquires the thing claimed, the
usufruct shall be limited to the fruits, the dominion remaining with the owner.
Article 579. The usufructuary may make on
the property held in usufruct such useful improvements or expenses for mere
pleasure as he may deem proper, provided he does not alter its form or
substance; but he shall have no right to be indemnified therefor. He may,
however, remove such improvements, should it be possible to do so without
damage to the property. (487)
Article 580. The usufructuary may set off
the improvements he may have made on the property against any damage to the
same. (488)
Article 581. The owner of property the
usufruct of which is held by another, may alienate it, but he cannot alter its
form or substance, or do anything thereon which may be prejudicial to the
usufructuary. (489)
Article 582. The usufructuary of a part of a
thing held in common shall exercise all the rights pertaining to the owner
thereof with respect to the administration and the collection of fruits or
interest. Should the co-ownership cease by reason of the division of the thing
held in common, the usufruct of the part allotted to the co-owner shall belong
to the usufructuary. (490)
Obligations of the Usufructuary
Article 583. The usufructuary, before
entering upon the enjoyment of the property, is obliged:
(1) To make, after notice to the owner or his legitimate
representative, an inventory of all the property, which shall contain an
appraisal of the movables and a description of the condition of the immovables;
(2) To give security, binding himself to fulfill the obligations
imposed upon him in accordance with this Chapter. (491)
Article 584. The provisions of No. 2 of the
preceding article shall not apply to the donor who has reserved the usufruct of
the property donated, or to the parents who are usufructuaries of their children's
property, except when the parents contract a second marriage. (492a)
Article 585. The usufructuary, whatever may
be the title of the usufruct, may be excused from the obligation of making an
inventory or of giving security, when no one will be injured thereby. (493)
Article 586. Should the usufructuary fail to
give security in the cases in which he is bound to give it, the owner may
demand that the immovables be placed under administration, that the movables be
sold, that the public bonds, instruments of credit payable to order or to
bearer be converted into registered certificates or deposited in a bank or
public institution, and that the capital or sums in cash and the proceeds of
the sale of the movable property be invested in safe securities.
The interest on the proceeds of the sale of the movables and
that on public securities and bonds, and the proceeds of the property placed
under administration, shall belong to the usufructuary.
Furthermore, the owner may, if he so prefers, until the usufructuary
gives security or is excused from so doing, retain in his possession the
property in usufruct as administrator, subject to the obligation to deliver to
the usufructuary the net proceeds thereof, after deducting the sums which may
be agreed upon or judicially allowed him for such administration. (494)
Article 587. If the usufructuary who has not
given security claims, by virtue of a promise under oath, the delivery of the
furniture necessary for his use, and that he and his family be allowed to live
in a house included in the usufruct, the court may grant this petition, after
due consideration of the facts of the case.
The same rule shall be observed with respect to implements,
tools and other movable property necessary for an industry or vocation in which
he is engaged.
If the owner does not wish that certain articles be sold because
of their artistic worth or because they have a sentimental value, he may demand
their delivery to him upon his giving security for the payment of the legal interest
on their appraised value. (495)
Article 588. After the security has been
given by the usufructuary, he shall have a right to all the proceeds and
benefits from the day on which, in accordance with the title constituting the
usufruct, he should have commenced to receive them. (496)
Article 589. The usufructuary shall take
care of the things given in usufruct as a good father of a family. (497)
Article 590. A usufructuary who alienates or
leases his right of usufruct shall answer for any damage which the things in
usufruct may suffer through the fault or negligence of the person who
substitutes him. (498)
Article 591. If the usufruct be constituted
on a flock or herd of livestock, the usufructuary shall be obliged to replace
with the young thereof the animals that die each year from natural causes, or
are lost due to the rapacity of beasts of prey.
If the animals on which the usufruct is constituted should all
perish, without the fault of the usufructuary, on account of some contagious
disease or any other uncommon event, the usufructuary shall fulfill his
obligation by delivering to the owner the remains which may have been saved
from the misfortune.
Should the herd or flock perish in part, also by accident and
without the fault of the usufructuary, the usufruct shall continue on the part
Should the usufruct be on sterile animals, it shall be
considered, with respect to its effects, as though constituted on fungible
things. (499a)
Article 592. The usufructuary is obliged to
make the ordinary repairs needed by the thing given in usufruct.
By ordinary repairs are understood such as are required by the
wear and tear due to the natural use of the thing and are indispensable for its
preservation. Should the usufructuary fail to make them after demand by the
owner, the latter may make them at the expense of the usufructuary. (500)
Article 593. Extraordinary repairs shall be
at the expense of the owner. The usufructuary is obliged to notify the owner
when the need for such repairs is urgent. (501)
Article 594. If the owner should make the
extraordinary repairs, he shall have a right to demand of the usufructuary the
legal interest on the amount expended for the time that the usufruct lasts.
Should he not make them when they are indispensable for the
preservation of the thing, the usufructuary may make them; but he shall have a
right to demand of the owner, at the termination of the usufruct, the increase
in value which the immovable may have acquired by reason of the repairs. (502a)
Article 595. The owner may construct any
works and make any improvements of which the immovable in usufruct is
susceptible, or make new plantings thereon if it be rural, provided that such
acts do not cause a diminution in the value of the usufruct or prejudice the
right of the usufructuary. (503)
Article 596. The payment of annual charges
and taxes and of those considered as a lien on the fruits, shall be at the
expense of the usufructuary for all the time that the usufruct lasts. (504)
Article 597. The taxes which, during the
usufruct, may be imposed directly on the capital, shall be at the expense of
the owner.
If the latter has paid them, the usufructuary shall pay him the
proper interest on the sums which may have been paid in that character; and, if
the said sums have been advanced by the usufructuary, he shall recover the
amount thereof at the termination of the usufruct. (505)
Article 598. If the usufruct be constituted
on the whole of a patrimony, and if at the time of its constitution the owner
has debts, the provisions of articles 758 and 759 relating to donations shall
be applied, both with respect to the maintenance of the usufruct and to the
obligation of the usufructuary to pay such debts.
The same rule shall be applied in case the owner is obliged, at
the time the usufruct is constituted, to make periodical payments, even if
there should be no known capital. (506)
Article 599. The usufructuary may claim any
matured credits which form a part of the usufruct if he has given or gives the
proper security. If he has been excused from giving security or has not been
able to give it, or if that given is not sufficient, he shall need the
authorization of the owner, or of the court in default thereof, to collect such
The usufructuary who has given security may use the capital he
has collected in any manner he may deem proper. The usufructuary who has not
given security shall invest the said capital at interest upon agreement with
the owner; in default of such agreement, with judicial authorization; and, in
every case, with security sufficient to preserve the integrity of the capital
in usufruct. (507)
Article 600. The usufructuary of a mortgaged
immovable shall not be obliged to pay the debt for the security of which the mortgage
was constituted.
Should the immovable be attached or sold judicially for the
payment of the debt, the owner shall be liable to the usufructuary for whatever
the latter may lose by reason thereof. (509)
Article 601. The usufructuary shall be
obliged to notify the owner of any act of a third person, of which he may have
knowledge, that may be prejudicial to the rights of ownership, and he shall be
liable should he not do so, for damages, as if they had been caused through his
own fault. (511)
Article 602. The expenses, costs and
liabilities in suits brought with regard to the usufruct shall be borne by the
usufructuary. (512)
Extinguishment of Usufruct
Extinguishment of Usufruct
Article 603. Usufruct is extinguished:
(1) By the death of the usufructuary, unless a contrary
intention clearly appears;
(2) By the expiration of the period for which it was
constituted, or by the fulfillment of any resolutory condition provided in the
title creating the usufruct;
(3) By merger of the usufruct and ownership in the same person;
(4) By renunciation of the usufructuary;
(5) By the total loss of the thing in usufruct;
(6) By the termination of the right of the person constituting
the usufruct;
(7) By prescription. (513a)
Article 604. If the thing given in usufruct
should be lost only in part, the right shall continue on the remaining part.
Article 605. Usufruct cannot be constituted
in favor of a town, corporation, or association for more than fifty years. If
it has been constituted, and before the expiration of such period the town is
abandoned, or the corporation or association is dissolved, the usufruct shall
be extinguished by reason thereof. (515a)
Article 606. A usufruct granted for the time
that may elapse before a third person attains a certain age, shall subsist for
the number of years specified, even if the third person should die before the
period expires, unless such usufruct has been expressly granted only in
consideration of the existence of such person. (516)
Article 607. If the usufruct is constituted
on immovable property of which a building forms part, and the latter should be
destroyed in any manner whatsoever, the usufructuary shall have a right to make
use of the land and the materials.
The same rule shall be applied if the usufruct is constituted on
a building only and the same should be destroyed. But in such a case, if the
owner should wish to construct another building, he shall have a right to
occupy the land and to make use of the materials, being obliged to pay to the
usufructuary, during the continuance of the usufruct, the interest upon the sum
equivalent to the value of the land and of the materials. (517)
Article 608. If the usufructuary shares with
the owner the insurance of the tenement given in usufruct, the former shall, in
case of loss, continue in the enjoyment of the new building, should one be
constructed, or shall receive the interest on the insurance indemnity if the
owner does not wish to rebuild.
Should the usufructuary have refused to contribute to the
insurance, the owner insuring the tenement alone, the latter shall receive the
full amount of the insurance indemnity in case of loss, saving always the right
granted to the usufructuary in the preceding article. (518a)
Article 609. Should the thing in usufruct be
expropriated for public use, the owner shall be obliged either to replace it
with another thing of the same value and of similar conditions, or to pay the
usufructuary the legal interest on the amount of the indemnity for the whole period
of the usufruct. If the owner chooses the latter alternative, he shall give
security for the payment of the interest. (519)
Article 610. A usufruct is not extinguished
by bad use of the thing in usufruct; but if the abuse should cause considerable
injury to the owner, the latter may demand that the thing be delivered to him,
binding himself to pay annually to the usufructuary the net proceeds of the
same, after deducting the expenses and the compensation which may be allowed
him for its administration. (520)
Article 611. A usufruct constituted in favor
of several persons living at the time of its constitution shall not be
extinguished until the death of the last survivor. (521)
Article 612. Upon the termination of the
usufruct, the thing in usufruct shall be delivered to the owner, without
prejudice to the right of retention pertaining to the usufructuary or his heirs
for taxes and extraordinary expenses which should be reimbursed. After the
delivery has been made, the security or mortgage shall be cancelled. (522a)
Easements in General
Easements in General
Different Kinds of Easements
Article 613. An easement or servitude is an
encumbrance imposed upon an immovable for the benefit of another immovable
belonging to a different owner.
The immovable in favor of which the easement is established is
called the dominant estate; that which is subject thereto, the servient estate.
Article 614. Servitudes may also be
established for the benefit of a community, or of one or more persons to whom
the encumbered estate does not belong. (531)
Article 615. Easements may be continuous or
discontinuous, apparent or nonapparent.
Continuous easements are those the use of which is or may be
incessant, without the intervention of any act of man.
Discontinuous easements are those which are used at intervals
and depend upon the acts of man.
Apparent easements are those which are made known and are
continually kept in view by external signs that reveal the use and enjoyment of
the same.
Nonapparent easements are those which show no external
indication of their existence. (532)
Article 616. Easements are also positive or
A positive easement is one which imposes upon the owner of the
servient estate the obligation of allowing something to be done or of doing it
himself, and a negative easement, that which prohibits the owner of the
servient estate from doing something which he could lawfully do if the easement
did not exist. (533)
1. Positive v.
Negative Easement; Positive v. Negative Obligation?
-In case of violation by servient owner, is preliminary
MANDATORY injunction availing?
-Opening a window on a party wall v. on One’s own wall.
- Related articles: 615, 616, 621 , 660-661 & 668
As explained by Prof. Elmer T. Rabuya on p. 361 Civil Law
Reviewer 1 2009 Edition:
“Positive Easement: One which
imposes upon the owner of the servient estate the obligation of allowing
something to be done on his property (servitutes in patento). In
positive easement, the right of the owner to exclude any person from the
enjoyment of his property, which right is guaranteed in Article 429 of the NCC,
is restricted, in the sense that he is bliged to allow something to be done on
his property. An example of a positive easement is the easement of right of
Negative Easement: When it prohibits
the owner of the servient estate from doing something which he could lawfully
do if the easement did not exist ( servitutes in non faciendo). A
negative easement, it must be noted, does not involve any restriction on the
owner’s right to exclude. Instead, the owner is simply prohibited from doing
something on his property which he could lawfully do of the easement did not
exist. An example of a negative easement is an easement not to build higher (altius
non tollendi).
An easement may not consist, however, in the right to demand
that the servient owner do something (servitudes in faciendo). For
if it consists in the right to an act to be done by the owner o the servient
estate, such right is merely in the nature of a jus in personamagainst
that determinate person. Hence, the true reason why a servitude cannot consistin
faciendo is that, if it did, the right created could not be jus
in rem since the same will not fall over the thing but on the person.
While Article 616 of the New Civil Code may seem to allow a servitudes
in faciendo when it says that positive easement may consist in the
servient owner doing something himself, the easements in faciendo here
are only those which are considered as accessory obligations a praedial servitude.
As aptly observed by Senator Tolentino, citing Ruggiero, as easement can never
consist in a personal prestation to do on the part of the owner of the servient
estate; the obligation imposed upon him is always negative. In
other words, whether the easement is a positive or a negative one, the
obligation imposed upon the servient owner is always a negative one. In
positive easement, for example, the obligation of the servient owner is not to
interfere in the use of his property by the holder of the easement, on the
other hand, the obligation of the servient owner is to refrain from doing
something on his property.”
Article 617. Easements are inseparable from
the estate to which they actively or passively belong. (534)
1. “Easements… shall
continue to subsist and shall be held to pass with the title of ownership until
rescinded or extinguished by virtue of the registration of the servient estate
(without the registration or annotation of the easements), or in any other
manner”. (Sec. 39, Land Registration Act- Act 496 regarding Torrens system).
2. See effect of this
on “Apparent Sign of Easement” pursuant to Article 624.; Elements thereof
Article 618. Easements are indivisible. If
the servient estate is divided between two or more persons, the easement is not
modified, and each of them must bear it on the part which corresponds to him.
If it is the dominant estate that is divided between two or more
persons, each of them may use the easement in its entirety, without changing
the place of its use, or making it more burdensome in any other way. (535)
Article 619. Easements are established
either by law or by the will of the owners. The former are called legal and the
latter voluntary easements. (536)
Modes of Acquiring Easements
Modes of Acquiring Easements
Article 620. Continuous and apparent
easements are acquired either by virtue of a title or by prescription of ten
years. (537a)
Article 621. In order to acquire by
prescription the easements referred to in the preceding article, the time of
possession shall be computed thus: in positive easements, from the day on which
the owner of the dominant estate, or the person who may have made use of the
easement, commenced to exercise it upon the servient estate; and in negative
easements, from the day on which the owner of the dominant estate forbade, by
an instrument acknowledged before a notary public, the owner of the servient
estate, from executing an act which would be lawful without the easement.
Article 622. Continuous nonapparent
easements, and discontinuous ones, whether apparent or not, may be acquired
only by virtue of a title. (539)
Article 623. The absence of a document or
proof showing the origin of an easement which cannot be acquired by
prescription may be cured by a deed of recognition by the owner of the servient
estate or by a final judgment. (540a)
Article 624. The existence of an apparent
sign of easement between two estates, established or maintained by the owner of
both, shall be considered, should either of them be alienated, as a title in
order that the easement may continue actively and passively, unless, at the
time the ownership of the two estates is divided, the contrary should be
provided in the title of conveyance of either of them, or the sign aforesaid
should be removed before the execution of the deed. This provision shall also
apply in case of the division of a thing owned in common by two or more
persons. (541a)
Article 625. Upon the establishment of an
easement, all the rights necessary for its use are considered granted. (542)
Article 626. The owner of the dominant
estate cannot use the easement except for the benefit of the immovable
originally contemplated. Neither can he exercise the easement in any other
manner than that previously established. (n)
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